The Choice Between a Built-In Fryer Filtration and Portable Filtration

There are two basic choices when looking at oil filtration — portable filtration options and build-in filtration in the form of a filter drawer. In order to fully understand those differences, we’re going to take a closer look at the pros and cons behind each option.


Let’s start with portable filtration. Without a doubt, one of the best pros to using portable filtration is the fact it’s less expensive than commercial fryers with built-in filtration. Portable filtering fryers can be as much as 50 percent less in cost.

Portable filtration is also just that. It’s portable. Portable fryer filters can be moved around the kitchen and can be used on many different types of fryers, In addition, they can also be used in waste oil disposal.

The downsides of portable filtration is the process relies on employee judgement, meaning all staff members who filter oil must be properly trained in order to complete the process efficiently, and most importantly, safely. Improper filtration can result in serious injury. Because of the hazardous nature of portable filtration, staff members who complete these tasks need personal protection equipment in order to operate safely. This raises the cost of the process and makes it less likely that employees will actually do it according to protocols.

A portable filter model must be carefully selected to match the differing volumes of the fryers it supports. Equipment width and drain heights must be considered, and there must be sufficient storage space to hold the portable filter unit when it’s not in use. While initial costs are less, portable filtration can take much more time and effort in the long run.


Built-in fryer filtration means the fryer has the ability to filter oil within the unit. The process is extremely easy to complete with very little chance for employee misuse or injury, it’s simplicity brings higher level of compliance to set filtering schedules. The result, an oil filtration process that is faster, safer and more efficient for an operation netting more consistent, higher quality foods. Lastly, with built-in filtration there is no external storage space required to house equipment.

Built-in filtration takes the shape of filtration drawers under the unit. They come with an option flush hose for quick, efficient removal of heavy sediment from the tanks, which can be an ideal solution for operations that have wet-battered menu items. Built-in filtration is faster, especially on multi-vat suites and split pot fryers that require disconnecting, moving, and reconnecting with portable filtration.

Though initial, up-front fees are higher, there’s rarely a situation where built-in filtration isn’t the best option for every type of customer. Efficient, effective, and safe oil filtration is what ensures extended oil life that maximizes employee safety while increasing the quality of fried foods for guests.


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Topics: Labor, Filtration, Safety, Maintenance