How Can a Fryer Help with Labor?

If you work in foodservice or are even slightly familiar with the current state of the industry, one of the first things you know is that finding, hiring, training, and retaining good staff is becoming more and more difficult.

While a commercial fryer can’t do much to help you find and hire kitchen staff, a fryer can help make work easier. After all, a unit that’s easy to use and maintain can make someone’s life a lot easier, and if someone’s job is easier, the chances are greater that he’ll keep it.

So how can a fryer help with labor specifically?


When vats of oil are monitored closely with state-of-the-art sensory equipment like Pitco’s SOS SmartOIL Sensors, the result is oil that is used to its fullest potential. This has several benefits. First, oil changes are not happening too frequently, dumping valuable dollars down the drain because oil could still be used. Second, oil isn’t staying in the fryer too long causing unwanted odors and flavors that will be off-putting to customers. And, finally, when oil changes are done at just the right time using a fryer that makes oil filtration easy, the amount of labor involved can be drastically reduced, making staff members more efficient.


This is the easiest one to consider. A touch screen controller that makes operation as simple as will help get staff up-to-speed quicker. But how can a controller really make a difference? First of all, there’s size. A controller that’s easy to see during a quick rush is easier to use. The same can be said for how controls are displayed. With today’s multi-lingual kitchens, pictures instead of words are more efficient. It’s all about the operation, and as it relates to Pitco, the Infinity Touch touchscreen controller.



When a fryer is consistent, pouring out the same great quality time and time again using the same specifications each time, operators gain peace of mind that orders will go out as expected. While this may alleviate the need for repeat orders to correct mistakes, the biggest benefit to labor here is simply the confidence of consistency.


Maintenance can be the biggest time-killer and labor-drainer of all when it comes to fryers. With units that are easy to service providing filtration methods that are clean and simple, not only will staff members spend less time on the fryer itself, they’ll also experience safer handling of the oil. Pitco provides Solstice two-step filtering which makes oil maintenance easier and safer.

These are just the basics of Pitco’s labor-friendly operation. To learn more about how we can help get your staff up-to-speed as quickly as possible, schedule a free Fryer Consultation with us at your convenience.

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Topics: Pitco, Labor, Infinity Touch, Fryers