Fry Guy Focus: Introducing Dave Wilson

Fried foods are some of the most beloved in America. There’s a process behind those foods, and in this new series from Pitco, we’re going to sit down with the Fry Guys and Fry Gals who know how to get the most out of their fryers. In this edition, we sat down with Dave Wilson, frying expert and corporate chef with WD Colledge in Canada.

Pitco: What is the most common question you get about fryers?

Chef Dave: What are the benefits of filtering my oil?

Pitco: What question do you first ask someone when they want help with a fried food menu item?

Chef Dave: There are a few. What temperature are you frying at? Do you filter your oil? What kind of volume are you expecting to do with the items?

Pitco: What are the most important accessories to have for fryers?

Chef Dave: Have your filter system built-in, or at the very least, make sure it’s portable. A proper tank brush with a hook on the end is another one, as well as filter powder. Using a tank cover overnight is also a very good idea.

Pitco: What is the best piece of advice you would give someone who wants to add fried food to a menu?

Chef Dave: Buy a good fryer, one that will keep up with your frying needs. Spend a bit extra at the beginning, and it will pay for itself in the long run. Don’t go for the cheapest. You will just be replacing it within a few years. A fryer is a very abused piece of equipment… LOL.

Pitco: What are common frying mistakes that you see?

Chef Dave: Using dirty oil or not using a filtering schedule. I also see operators use undersized fryers for production needs.

Pitco: How would you recommend fixing them?

Chef Dave: It’s important to educate the end-user on the types of fryers available. Most only think of an economy fryer, so it’s important to explain the efficiencies and better product results they can achieve with the proper fryer… and you better filter your oil, damn it!

Pitco: What is the best fried food you ever had?

Chef Dave: Deep fried chicken from Union Chicken here in Canada. It’s one of the best I have ever tasted. Beignets, of course. Right out of the fryer, they are amazing. And the Bacon Maple Donut at the X in Toronto. Bacon and donut. What could be better?

Pitco: What are your best three pieces of advice for a restaurant to make more money with fried food?

Chef Dave: It starts with filtering your oil, often. Buy a high-efficiency fryer so your products are coming out the best they can. Change your oil when it’s dirty, and use test strips!

We know what to fry. Schedule a culinary consultation with us to get some ideas for your operation!

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