Author Archives: Pitco

Any fan of Mexican food is likely familiar with the chimichanga, but the reality is not many people know how they were invented. Many don’t know that they’re not really Mexican. Most culinary historians suggest this delectable dish was accidentally created in the United States. We’ll get to the history of the chimichanga in bit,...

by Pitco on September 17, 2022 at 6:55AM

Food has always been integral to modern culture, bringing people together in various situations. In recent years, food trucks have become the de facto method for bringing delicious dishes to the masses. However, these mobile eateries come with various challenges, particularly when it comes to frying. Fortunately, modern fryers can face and overcome these obstacles,...

by Pitco on September 16, 2022 at 1:29PM

Fried foods continue to be popular. Whether it’s a full-service restaurant, a QSR, a ghost kitchen, or even in schools, the desire for fried food is still important to customers because, well, fried food is good. We know that serving the crispiest, best-tasting fried food is key, and this is why we started our Fry...
The restaurant industry has faced several challenges in recent years, and having a diverse, creative menu can put restaurants in a position to succeed in the current environment. One menu item that has risen in popularity recently is the churro. Churros are a dessert native to Mexico that has become very popular in the United...

by Pitco on August 16, 2022 at 11:47PM

When football season is in full swing, sports bars enjoy all the perks of having built-in audiences whenever a game is on. However, when it comes to the biggest game of the year, the best option is to plan ahead with a specific game-day menu. While some locations may decide to serve their regular fare,...
It’s no secret that Americans love fried foods, but while practically anything can be deep-fried to golden perfection (i.e., shrimp, chicken, and even whole turkeys), nothing beats the humble French fry. Fries are a staple on menus across the country, both in casual and upscale restaurants, and they’re one of the best menu options because...
Robotics isn’t usually the first thing to come to mind when thinking about the foodservice industry. However, in the last few years, robotics and automation have made their way into restaurants and commercial kitchens, making service delivery more efficient and reducing the stresses put on staffing. As we’ve seen, the pandemic caused extensive labor shortages,...

by Pitco on July 18, 2022 at 8:35PM

Often seen as a staple of American comfort food, tater tots are a much-loved food. Tater tots deliciously offer the best of both worlds with a crispy, deep-fried exterior and a creamy center. However, the tater tot has not always been the wildly popular menu item they are today. Recent food trends have made the...
We continue our ongoing series where we sit down with Fry Guys and Fry Gals around the country to find out how to get the most out of their fryers. This month we talk with David Ford, corporate chef for Heartland Reps in Missouri. David has worked for some of the biggest names in the...

by Pitco on June 27, 2022 at 6:48AM

When going on vacation, food is an essential part of the experience. Most travelers do their best to get an idea of what’s on the menu where they are staying. However, due to the many challenges brought about by the past few years, many resorts are updating aspects of their foodservice to better meet summer...